Friday, February 24, 2023

Of Bikes, Butts and Butterflies ( Or, The tales of a fat biker!)

This is about an amazing bike trip taken on an amazing bike with an amazing person!

Now that I've set low expectations, let's move on. :)

THE Bike

The Bike in question is a Triumph T100 Bonneville. A relatively unassuming looking bike ( at least for a person who has drooled over the flashy Ninja and Hayabusa) until you ride the monster! With 900CC under your seat and an 80Nm torque at the twist of your wrist, this baby is one that will thrill you to the core!

Initially when my dad wanted to buy this bike, I wasn't really impressed and thought that while this wouldn't be my choice, its good for him to fulfill one of his long term wishes. But once you drive it ( in any modicum of open road) whew! It's a leashed monster!

Weighing around 220 Kgs by itself, this baby is a handful to hold on to! Add to that it's tendency to jack knife when you're making sharp cuts at zero speed and it needs some good limb strength to drive her.

But all that is moot when you're on the road! But more on that later!


I would'nt like to butt heads with those who disagree with this in the heading, but there is a dire need for it ( as you shall soon see!). 

It is said that one does not know the value of a part of the body unless it isn't there! To reverse the quote, one does not know how weak a part of the body is unless it's overused! 
An amazing fun trip by day, a night of sleeping on your stomach cos.... But definitely worth it!

One of the really sad things about it was that since the human body is not designed aerodynamically, a lot of insects kept smashing into the helmet at a time. 

After sometime realised many of those were butterflies. :(

Kept trying to justifying to myself as "The circle of life" but made me realise how much humans actually disturb the environment. 

But an overall wonderful trip with dad. Need to do more together!